
The schedule was updated

Scientific Committee


  • 1. CHAIRMAN: Dr. Mihai IACOB,
    MD, MSc, EUVEKUS President.

    MD, PhD, WONCA Europe President.


    MD, PhD, Board member, Danish Ultrasound Diagnostic Society.

    5. Prof. Dr. Christoph Frank DIETRICH,
    MD, PhD, Head of the Department for General Internal Medicine DAIM at Hirslanden in Bern, Switzerland, WFUMB Treasurer.

    6. Prof. Dr. DIETER NUERNBERG,
    MD, Ph.D.,  Dean of the Brandenburg Medical University Theodor Fontane, Brandenburg Institute for Clinical Ultrasound (BICUS), NGO consultant of WHO (Representing WFUMB.)

    7. Prof. Dr. Ioan SPOREA,
    MD, Ph.D., Professor of Gastroenterology at University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara, WFUMB Vicepresident.

    8. Prof. Dr. Radu BADEA,
    „Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj Napoca.

    9. Dr. Matteo ROSSELLI,
    MD, PhD, Honorary Associate Professor at University College London.

    10. Dr. Peter SIGMUND,
    MD, President of STAFAM - Steirische Akademie für Allgemeinmedizin Austria.

    11. Dr. Dominique AMY,
    MD, EFSUMB Breast US/Elastography Expert.

    12. Dr. Gergely AGOSTON,
    MD, Ph.D, Vicepresident of the WG of the Hungarian Association of Cardiovascular Imaging.

    13. Dr. Nilima Rajpal KUNDNANI,
    MD, Ph.D., University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara.

    14. Ágnes-Anikó DOTTERER-KISZELY,
    University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara.

    15. Dr. Mateusz KOSIAK,
    University of Gdansk, Poland, Specialist in Family Medicine.

A Scientific Committee was appointed

Scientific Committee


  • 1. CHAIRMAN: Dr. Mihai IACOB,
    MD, MSc, EUVEKUS President.

    MD, PhD, WONCA Europe President.


    MD, PhD, Board member, Danish Ultrasound Diagnostic Society.

    5. Prof. Dr. Christoph Frank DIETRICH,
    MD, PhD, Head of the Department for General Internal Medicine DAIM at Hirslanden in Bern, Switzerland, WFUMB Treasurer.

    6. Prof. Dr. DIETER NUERNBERG,
    MD, Ph.D.,  Dean of the Brandenburg Medical University Theodor Fontane, Brandenburg Institute for Clinical Ultrasound (BICUS), NGO consultant of WHO (Representing WFUMB.)

    7. Prof. Dr. Ioan SPOREA,
    MD, Ph.D., Professor of Gastroenterology at University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara, WFUMB Vicepresident.

    8. Prof. Dr. Radu BADEA,
    „Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj Napoca.

    9. Dr. Matteo ROSSELLI,
    MD, PhD, Honorary Associate Professor at University College London.

    10. Dr. Peter SIGMUND,
    MD, President of STAFAM - Steirische Akademie für Allgemeinmedizin Austria.

    11. Dr. Dominique AMY,
    MD, EFSUMB Breast US/Elastography Expert.

    12. Dr. Gergely AGOSTON,
    MD, Ph.D, Vicepresident of the WG of the Hungarian Association of Cardiovascular Imaging.

    13. Dr. Nilima Rajpal KUNDNANI,
    MD, Ph.D., University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara.

    14. Ágnes-Anikó DOTTERER-KISZELY,
    University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara.

    15. Dr. Mateusz KOSIAK,
    University of Gdansk, Poland, Specialist in Family Medicine.

Euroson PoC-US 2024 Invitation

Invitation to participate as a Delegate/Participant at the next Euroson POCUS School Vienna, 5th Edition, on September 6-7th, 2024.

Presentation of the conference program.

Euroson POCUS Invitation A
Euroson POCUS Invitation B

Dear colleague,

We have the great pleasure of announcing the forthcoming Euroson PoC-US SCHOOL Vienna 2024, Hybrid Conference, 5th Edition, held at Vienna University of Medicine, Austria, on 06-07 September 2024, chaired by Dr. Mihai Iacob, EUVEKUS President.  

Our confirmed Keynote Speakers are Prof Caroline Ewertsen - EFSUMB President, Prof Shlomo Vinker - WONCA President, and Dr. Camilla Andersen member of the Executive Bureau, European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB), together with other ten experts in the field of ultrasonography. 


If you are available, we hope you would be interested and able to take part in this prestigious Conference, and your presence honors us. 

The theme of the Euroson POCUS SCHOOL Vienna 2024, 5th Edition is

The POCUS Curriculum and Guidelines in Frontline Physicians as a Daily Practice. 
About the Conference: 

The Hybrid Conference is organized by EUVEKUS /EADUS – The European Ultrasound Working Group in Frontline Physicians, EFSUMB endorsed, supported by WONCA Europe and EACCME (UEMS) credited. 

As a novelty in the way of organization, we will realize this Euroson School on two levels: beginners and advanced. 

There will be a common theoretical part, accessible to all participants, and a special theoretical part based on competence levels, after which, depending on their requests, we will have a separate practical part for beginners and advanced.

The Euroson POCUS School Conference will reflect the collaboration to advance common approaches and POCUS skills in frontline physicians, aimed at improving early diagnosis through ultrasonography techniques.

EUROSON PoC-US SCHOOL 2024 will host over 100 delegates and approximately 14 world-renowned faculty from Europe. 

The meeting will provide participants with a unique opportunity for sharing knowledge, and practical US skills through workshops.

Through the existence of continuity services in primary and ambulatory care and the use of cutting-edge technologies such as point-of-care testing, point-care ultrasound, and telemedicine, and an appropriate educational system, they can very successfully serve the population's access, especially in rural areas, ultimately resulting in the decongestion of emergency systems in hospitals. 

POCUS deals with narrowly defined clinical questions within a body region or an individual organ without claiming to comprehensively assess a region or an organ from the human body.

The central question is what should and must a frontline physician be able to do to carry out basic medicine with ultrasound?

Essentially, it is about being able to decide with greater accuracy in acute situations with the support of emergency sonography in particular (“triage tool” emergency sonography) whether a patient can continue to be treated at home or whether further acute diagnostics and treatment within the hospital are necessary. In addition, the use of emergency sonography can improve and accelerate the correct diagnosis of very central symptoms. This saves other diagnostic examinations and leads to an earlier start of adequate therapy.

When we have advanced and relatively cheap ultrasound devices, and high-performance technology with artificial intelligence or some smart software using updated diagnostic algorithms, it's time to complete the classic clinical examination (by history, inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation) with the new clinical-ultrasound examination that currently allows us to visualize through ultrasound most organs and tissues of the human body(US-inspection), along with electronic ultrasound palpation through ultrasonographic elastography method(US-palpation), but also with the electronic auscultation through the Doppler Triplex technique(US-auscultation) to increase the diagnostic accuracy in primary and outpatient healthcare.

The Conference Venue will be the University of Medicine in Vienna, where we have previously organized a successful Euroson POCUS School under the auspices of EFSUMB. (Universitätszahnklinik Wien, Sensengasse 2A, 1090 Vienna, Austria). 

REGISTRATION: Registration and participation fees for participants/delegates can be paid directly online on the Conference website:  http://eurosonpocus.com/pricing/

The schedule of Euroson POCUS School Vienna 2024 is attached to this email.                                                                                     

Duration of the event:

Date held: 06th – 07th September 2024. Two full days, from 8 am to 6 pm.

 Learner engagement:

·        Hands-on Sessions and workshops with different POCUS applications on each organ, assisted by dedicated experts.

·        Theoretical and practical presentations. Practice examples, Tips, and Tricks.

·        General discussion. Group discussion,

·        Completing ultrasonographic forms, and surveys - Online.

·        Round table, Debates.

·        Curriculum and Guidelines of POCUS applications for frontline physicians.

·        The online questionnaire with questions in multiple-choice format.

·        Focus groups, workshops, symposia, courses on ultrasound topics,

·        Telemedicine,

·        Ultrasound guidelines.

Please, if you can promote this event within your organizations.

Please confirm your further availability to attend the EUROSON POCUS SCHOOL 2024 Conference, 5th Edition in Vienna.

The organizers have established preferential and affordable prices for young doctors, researchers, resident doctors, and medical students under the age of 35.


Thank You! 

Best Regards,


Dr. Mihai IACOB, 

EUVEKUS President.

on behalf of the Host Organizing Committee



REGISTRATION: Registration and participation fees for participants/delegates can be paid directly online on the Conference website:


Euroson PoC-US is featured in Cambridge University Press.

Euroson PoC-US is featured in the Journal Primary Health Care Research & Development published on Cambridge University Press.


Euroson Vienna 2024 in EFSUMB News

The 5th edition of the Euroson PoC-US Vienna 2024 is featured in EFSUMB March 2024 News.


Euroson Vienna 2024 in Wonca Europe EYFDM news


The 5th edition of the Euroson PoC-US Vienna 2024 is featured in Wonca Europe in EYFDM news and opportunities.


Euroson PoC-US news

New International Keynote Speaker
Dr. Camilla Aakjær ANDERSEN

We are honoured to welcome a new Speaker for the 5th Edition of the Euroson PoC-US Vienna 2024 Event.

Dr. Camilla Aakjær ANDERSEN is:

  • Associated professor, senior researcher and head of the ultrasound group at Center for General Practice at Aalborg University (CAM AAU),
  • Co-opted member of the Executive Bureau, European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB),
  • Observer, Danish Society Of Ultrasound In Family Medicine (DAUS),
  • Board member, Danish Ultrasound Diagnostic Society (DUDS).
Dr. Andersen

New International Keynote Speaker
Dr. Caroline EWERTSEN

We are honoured to welcome a new International Keynote Speaker for the 5th Edition of the Euroson PoC-US Vienna 2024 Event.

Dr. Caroline EWERTSEN current EFSUMB President.

She is from Denmark and leads the Department of Radiology Rigshospitalet Copenhagen OE, Denmark. 

Dr. Ewertsen

A successful marathon of Clinical Ultrasound

A succesfull marathon of Clinical Ultrasound

A successful Marathon of Clinical Ultrasound and POCUS within the Annual Conference Euroson POCUS School Vienna 2023, 4th Edition event organized by EUVEKUS under the aegis of EFSUMB and credited by EACCME.

The event took place at the Medical University of Vienna. We would like to thank the Speakers, leaders of prestigious European medical organizations: Wonca Europa, WFUMB, EFSUMB and EUVEKUS who during two days presented both in the theoretical sessions and especially in the WSs Hands On multiple applications of POCUS for Frontline Physicians ( Primary and Ambulatory Healthcare).

We thank all the participants who came in such a large number, being present delegates from over 24 countries, and the leaders of Ultrasound Working Groups from Belgium, France, Poland, Spain, Italy, Poland, Romania, etc. A real medical revolution in terms of upgrading the classic clinical examination to the clinical-ultrasonographic examination for the benefit of our patients by increasing the diagnostic accuracy. Thanks to all the organizers and our sponsors GE Healthcare and Liamed.

Photo 7

Euroson PoC-US Vienna 2023 Photos

Euroson PoC-US 4th Edition, Vienna 2023


Please check some of the memories we have kept for you at our Event.

You'll find much more photographies (700+) at https://photos.app.goo.gl/S2c4RXWVAgJjb3uR9.


Welcome Dinner Kronprintz Rudolfshof

Welcome Dinner at Kronprintz Rudolfshof


We invite the participants to the Euroson PoC-US 2023, Vienna Edition to the Welcome Dinner.

Participation to the event will cost 60 Euros.

The event wil take place on Friday, 08 September 2023, 20:00 hours.

Address: Cobenzlgasse 8, Vienna, Austria, 1190
Phone:   +43 1 320 2108


Invitation to Euroson Poc-US 2023 Edition


Recruitment for the Delphi Panel Invitation

Recruitment for the Delphi Panel


We invite medical doctors, who have experience with performing ultrasound examinations in the primary care setting, to participate in a research project including a Delphi process. Our aim is to establish an EFSUMB ultrasound core curriculum for frontline physicians working in primary care.

If you are an experienced ultrasound user and teacher, you will have accumulated valuable experience as to which ultrasound scanning examinations are easy to learn and master, and which ultrasound scans require more training and experience. Such experience is important to the ultrasound community, and we therefore hope you will wish to share your knowledge with us.

For this research project, we will assemble a Delphi panel of ultrasound-experienced primary care doctors from 40 European countries. If you wish to be considered for the Delphi panel, you will need to answer a short questionnaire (please see QR Code or link below) so that we may determine if you meet our eligibility criteria. Many thanks for your time.

Kind Regards,

The EFSUMB task force group
(Thomas Lökkegaard, Hazel Edwards, Viktor Rüttermann, Adib Salim, Mateusz Kosiak, Codruta Constantinescu, Kristina Lebedevaitė, Mihai Iacob, Caroline Ewertsen, Christin Jenssen, Lynne Ruud) 


Questionnaire Linkhttps://www.survey-xact.dk/LinkCollector?key=LEH9PKRFL21N


Galla Dinner location Wienerwald Restaurant


We are pleased to announce the location of the Galla Dinner of Euroson PoC-US Vienna 2023 event.

We'll meet at Wienerwald Restaurant situated at:

1010 Wien
Goldschmiedgasse 6


Lust auf traditionelle Lieblingsspeisen? Genießen Sie Qualität, modernes Design und Gastfreundschaft. Im Mittelpunkt unseres Sortiments steht das WienerWald Grillhendl. Ergänzt wird das Angebot um die klassischen Lieblingsspeisen der Österreicher: Schnitzel, Tafelspitz, Gulasch und vieles mehr. Sie sind Vegetarier oder Naschkatze? Probieren Sie doch Eiernockerln und als Dessert einen Kaiserschmarrn oder Apfelstrudel? Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!


Dr. Mihai Iacob Montegut Winner 2023


We are pleased to announce that Dr. Mihai Sorin Iacob from Romania has been selected as the Montegut Global Scholar 2023 from the WONCA Europe region with approval of the American Board of Family Medicine.

I thank the Wonca Europa Board as well as the American Board of Family Medicine ABFM-F  who awarded me the Wonca Europa Montegut Scholar 2023 for my contribution to the promotion of clinical ultrasound and POCUS in primary healthcare.

"One small step for me, one giant leap for European Family Medicine"!

Dr. Mihai Sorin Iacob


New Speaker - Prof. Dr. Christoph Frank Dietrich

New Speaker

Prof. Dr. Christoph Frank Dietrich

We are honoured to welcome a new Speaker for the 4th Edition of the Euroson PoC-US Vienna 2023 Event.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Frank Dietrich is:

  • Head of the Department for General Internal Medicine DAIM at Hirslanden in Bern, Switzerland,
  • Past President of EFSUMB [2013 - 2015],
  • Member of the WFUMB Administrative Council, and WFUMB Treasurer.

EACCME® Accreditation of event

“The The Euroson PoCUS School Vienna, 4th Edition, Vienna, Austria, 08/09/2023-09/09/2023 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 16 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.”

EACCME® credits
Each participant can only receive the number of credits he/she is entitled to according to his/her
actual participation at the event once he/she has completed the feedback form. Cf. criteria 9 and 23 of UEMS 2016.20.

In order to RECEIVE individual certificates, each participant should attend:

on 08.09.2023 - 8.00 hours
on 09.09.2023 - 8.00 hours

The EACCME® awards ECMEC®s on the basis of 1 ECMEC® for one hour of CME with a maximum of 8 ECMEC®s per day. Cf. Chapter X of UEMS 2016.20.


Invitation to the 4th Euroson PoC-US Conference 2023

Welcome to the 4th Edition of the Euroson PoC-US School!

As the event organizer, I am excited to provide you with the following details:

Conference Title: Point of Care Ultrasonography in Primary Health Care and Ambulatory Care. Updates and Perspectives

Date: September 08-09, 2023

Venue: Universitätszahnklinik Wien, Vienna, Austria

Conference Overview:

Ultrasonography, also known as ultrasound or sonography, is a widely used imaging technique in medicine that utilizes high-frequency sound waves to produce real-time images of the internal structures of the body. This conference aims to bring together leading experts, researchers, and practitioners in the field of ultrasonography to exchange knowledge, share insights, and explore the latest advancements in this rapidly evolving field.

Conference Highlights:

Keynote Presentations: Renowned experts in the field of ultrasonography will deliver keynote presentations on cutting-edge research, technological advancements, and clinical applications of ultrasonography.

Scientific Sessions: The conference will feature multiple scientific sessions covering a wide range of topics, including abdominal ultrasonography, obstetric and gynecologic ultrasonography, musculoskeletal ultrasonography, and cardiac ultrasonography, among others.

Workshops: Interactive workshops led by experienced practitioners will provide practical training on various aspects of ultrasonography, including image acquisition techniques, interpretation of ultrasound findings, and hands-on demonstrations of ultrasound equipment.

Presentations: Attendees will have the opportunity to present their research findings in the form of posters, fostering discussions and collaborations among researchers and clinicians.

Industry Exhibition: Leading companies in the field of medical imaging and ultrasound equipment will showcase their latest products and technologies, providing attendees with the opportunity to explore and interact with the latest innovations.

Networking Opportunities: The conference will provide ample networking opportunities, including coffee breaks, lunch sessions, and a gala dinner, allowing participants to connect, collaborate, and establish professional relationships.

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credits: The conference will be accredited for 15 CME credits, allowing attendees to earn continuing education hours.


  • Online Only Registration: 75€ (until June 31, 2023) / 100€ (from July 01, 2023)
  • Student Medical Resident Registration: 100€ (until June 31, 2023) / 125€ (from July 01, 2023)
  • Delegate (In-person) Registration: 200€ (until June 31, 2023) / 250€ (from July 01, 2023)
  • Delegate (In-person) + Galla Dinner Registration: 250€ (until June 31, 2023) / 300€ (from July 01, 2023)

Registration fee includes access to all conference sessions, workshops, exhibition, conference materials, meals, and networking events.

Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities:

We welcome organizations to showcase their products and services related to ultrasonography through sponsorship and exhibition opportunities. Various sponsorship packages are available, offering benefits such as logo placement, exhibition space, and promotional opportunities.

Join us at the Euroson PoC-US School Vienna 2023 to stay updated with the latest advancements, exchange knowledge, and network with fellow experts in the field.

We look forward to welcoming you in Vienna in September 2023!

For further inquiries or registration, please visit our conference website or contact us at [contact@eurosonpocus.com] or [+40 725 917 371].

Dr. Mihai IACOB
Event Organizer
Euroson PoC-US School Vienna 2023


YouTube 2022 Event Recordings

Dear Participants,

Please find the links with the Recordings of the 3rd Edition of the Euroson PoC-US Hybrid Conference, held in Vienna, Austria on 09-10 Sep. 2022.

1. https://youtu.be/HfYOREf6zZU

2. https://youtu.be/IhLyR1xc3AY

3. https://youtu.be/A-O9-OO4qhA

4. https://youtu.be/UINzbONZJ_I

5. https://youtu.be/XSL3aa6YfQY

6. https://youtu.be/R3Cd18tzk5Y

7. https://youtu.be/qHeyWsKqJzE

8. https://youtu.be/V5dyhfKqcEA

9. https://youtu.be/2QKvaDO9uQc

Kind regards,


Dr. Mihai Iacob

Euroson PoC-US School: The Point of Care Ultrasonography in Primary Medicine and Ambulatory Healthcare – Updates and Perspectives
is an annual event organized by
EUVEKUS (Europäische Vereinigung für die Entwicklung von Klinischen Ultraschalluntersuchungen im Ambulanten Gesundheitswesen).

© 2024 EUVEKUS. All rights reserved.